2011년 6월 26일 일요일

How to Use Putting App 'Like a Pro'

"Tired of endless putting drills? Let science help solve your putting woes!"

1. Hold smartphone in your hand, or mount it on your putter.
2. Start your putting for either a practice or a real putting.
3. Check Rhythm, Tempo, and Consistency Score.

'Putting Science' realizes all kinds of putting instruments by App.
Not cheap but Inexpensive. Feeling+Science. From Tired to Fun

How to mount smartphone on your putter

"Tired of endless putting drills? Let science help solve your putting woes!"
1. Hold iPhone4 in your hand, or mount it on your putter.
2. Start your putting for either a practice or a real putting.
3. Check Rhythm, Tempo, and Consistency Score.

‎'Putting Science' realizes all kinds of putting instruments by App. Not cheap but Inexpensive. Feeling+Science. From Tired to Fun

2011년 6월 24일 금요일

How to use Putting app 'Like a Pro' with hands

2011년 6월 22일 수요일

Ping, 골퍼들을 위한 퍼팅 보정 앱 iPing을 선보이다

골프를 즐기는 사람들이 스마트폰, 그중에서도 아이폰을 사야하는 한 가지 이유가 더 늘었습니다. 골프 용품 전문 생산업체인 Ping에서 골퍼들의 퍼팅 핸디캡을 보정할 수 있는 iPing 앱과, 아이폰/아이팟을 퍼터에 장착시킬 수 있는 크래들을 내놓았기 때문입니다. 크래들에 장착된 아이폰/아이팟을 통해 골퍼의 퍼팅 스트로크 타입, 임팩트 앵글, 그리고 템포를 측정할 수 있다고 합니다. iPing 애플리케이션은 앱스토어에서 공짜로 다운로드 가능하지만, 전용 크래들의 가격은 $30(3만 2천원)에 판매되고 있습니다. 크래들은 이번달 말부터 온라인을 통해 구매할 수 있을 것이라고 합니다. 확실히 기존에 비해 획기적으로 간편해진 퍼팅 보정 시스템이라 할 수 있겠습니다.
PGA의 프로 골프 강사인 Jeff Ritter가 iPing 앱의 사용법을 설명하는 동영상을 다음 페이지에 준비해 두었습니다. 한번 확인해 보세요.
Via Engadget
Source Ping

iPhone Cradle for Golf Club Aims to Improve Swing

06-18-2011 - 12:00 AM

Have you spent so much time with your iPhone and other cherished iDevices in recent years that you've fallen behind on the links, causing your golf game to suffer immeasurably? Now there's a new tool that may be able to help. And, yes, it involves your iPhone. I'm referring to iPing, one of the most innovative golf accessories we've seen in a while that's getting a lot of attention from golf pros and amateurs alike.

Ping, the self-proclaimed pioneers of putter perfection, is behind the iPing putter app, which is described as a "free, wireless, go-anywhere putting improvement tool that identifies a player’s stroke type, analyzes their impact angle, and measures their tempo." As you can imagine, the app doesn't do all the dirty work alone. It requires a little thing called the PING cradle, which will run you about $30.

The cradle holds your iPhone 4 (or 4th generation iPod touch) and clips onto the putter shaft beneath the grip. Once you've made an afternoon of putting with this contraption affixed to your club, the corresponding app (which was recording your consistency across several key areas) will help you establish a Putting Handicap, which will conceivably get lower as your game improves.

"Users can also share and compare their results through social media," says John A. Solheim, Ping CEO. “The social aspect and the ability to form a community around it is another exciting feature of iPING,” he said. “Golfers can share their results by emailing friends and posting sessions on Facebook or Twitter. We expect golfers to fully embrace these features as they develop fun and friendly competitions using iPing and their mobile devices.”

Both the iPing app and the Ping cradles will become available on June 20th.

Source: Ping

SmartSwing Science

SmartSwing Intelligent Clubs are just that — very smart. They are not just training aids. They are your clubs, usable anywhere and any time. They look, feel, sound and behave no differently than your current high performance club. SmartSwing Intelligent Clubs allow you to play smarter, better golf.

So how does SmartSwing make a standard USGA legal full swing club intelligent? We embed sophisticated circuitry into its shaft! Our advanced technology is covered by over 10 separate patent filings. SmartSwing clubs record their position in space at 1000 times or more per second, over 30 times faster and more accurately than traditional consumer-based video systems.

SmartSwing Intelligent Clubs use a series of gyroscopes and accelerometers in what is called a 6-degree of freedom inertial measurement unit. In plain English, SmartSwing circuitry uses acceleration and rotation information to determine the position of your golf club in space with pinpoint accuracy over 1000 times per second. The parts used by SmartSwing are used in a variety of other applications ranging from air bag deployment in automobiles to missile guidance systems. Bet you didn't realize a golf club could be this smart!

All of the information recorded is stored in flash memory on your club to allow for later wireless download and processing on your personal computer.

On the computer, SmartSwing uses a sophisticated set of patent-pending mathematical equations to convert the information recorded by your Intelligent Club into the representation of your swing that you see in SmartSwing Visualizer software. This swing information is then compared to a reference swing. SmartSwing's patent-pending reference swing is yet another scientific revolution for golf. The reference swing is a mathematically calculated mechanically efficient swing based on golf theory and the swings of past and current golf greats. It automatically scales to your specific physical dimensions to give you something to strive towards with each and every golf swing.

The combination of position, acceleration, rotation and reference information for each of your golf swings enables sophisticated swing analysis and accelerated learning. SmartSwing Intelligent Clubs open the door to accurate information in real-time that was previously only available in the highest end video systems and launch monitors, if it was available at all. For example, with SmartSwing you can study your club face orientation, release timing, tempo, instantaneous club head speed, lag, and more.

[Source] http://www.smartswinggolf.com/site/tic/science.html

SmartSwing Products

All SmartSwing products contain everything you need to begin rapidly improving your golf game. With SmartSwing, you will:
  •  Hit the ball better
  •  Gain significant distance
  •  Become more consistent
Getting the SmartSwing system out of the box and on to the range takes less than 30 minutes. SmartSwing products consist of three major components:

(1) Intelligent Club SmartSwing Driver
  • A club enabled with SmartSwing intelligent circuitry — use our clubs or personalize one of your own
  • Clubs look, feel, sound and perform just like a normal club
  • Durably designed for every-day use on the course, range, or at home
  • Clubs track and record up to 100 swings per session
(2) SmartSwing Software
(SmartSwing Visualizer and/or SmartSwing Analyzer)
SmartSwing Visualizer
  • PC-based software
  • SmartSwing Visualizer
    • Straight-forward, usable tools for viewing each swing you record - including the ability to replay, rewind and step through each individual swing
    • Visual comparison of each swing to an ideal reference or known good swing
    • Leader Board global analytics - Quality of Impact, Quality of Swing, TempoMeter, and Quality of Release
    • Instantaneous and maximum club head speed
  • SmartSwing Analyzer (LS300 and Personalized Clubs only)
    • Detailed and deep analytics of critical aspects of your swing
      • Swing analytics such as club orientation at impact, lag, angle of attack, club head release timing, and more
      • Distance analytics such as ball flight distance, escape velocity, launch angle (future release), and more
      • Club position analytics such as shaft angle, lean, and more
      • Club head speed and acceleration charts
      • A natural learning progression from plane, to distance, and finally consistency
(3) SmartSwing SmartLink
  • Wireless link device that enables communication between your SmartSwing Software and Intelligent Club
SmartSwing SmartLink

Order a SmartSwing Intelligent Club today. It works!

The Intelligent Club

With a SmartSwing Intelligent Club, you'll play better golf and have more fun in three easy steps:

1) Improve your ball striking

  • Rapidly learn to swing on plane by visually comparing your swing to a reference or known good swing, seeing the differences, and making the adjustments that allow you to better emulate the good swing
  • Use the Quality of Swing global analytic in the SmartSwing Software to easily track your progress
2) Improve your distance

  • Visually identify the power loss areas in your swing that are preventing you from hitting the ball as far as you could by using the SmartSwing Visualizer/Analyzer Software. Potential power loss areas include the amount of lag you carry into impact, overall club head speed and release (the point on your swing at which you achieve maximum club head speed). For example, for each 1 mph in club head speed loss prior to impact, you are losing approximately 2.5 yards in ball flight distance.
  • Use the Quality of Release global analytic in the SmartSwing Software to easily track your progress
3) Improve your consistency

  • Optimize your swing tempo and keep your swing grooved by visually comparing swings to your stored reference swing and tempo reference swings in the SmartSwing Visualizer Software. Make adjustments as necessary until muscle memory starts to take over.
  • Use the TempoMeter global analytic in the SmartSwing Software to easily track your progress

2011년 6월 20일 월요일

Precision Putting Trainer Review

February 1, 2010
Precision Putting Trainer
Grade: B+

Precision Putting Trainer 1Since putting is fully one half of the game of golf, it makes sense that half of all your practice should be with the flat stick. (For those of you who hadn’t thought about it, consider this: Half of all the par strokes on a course are for putting. Par 3: one stroke to get on; two for putting. Par 4: two to hit the green; two for putting. Par 5: three to reach in regulation; two for putting.)
Drive for show. Putt for dough.
There’s another maxim to consider here also: Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.
If you’ve ever been to a PGA Tour, Champions Tour or LPGA event, you’ll see the pros hard at work on the practice greens with their caddies and coaches, relying on their experienced eyes to detect small flaws in alignment, angle, position and tempo. They know that a good putting stroke is the difference between playing on the weekend and a missed paycheck.
You and I, however, generally don’t have the advantage of working with our own personal putting coaches. We do, however, have a wide variety of putting trainer gizmos.
The Putting Technologies Precision Putting Trainer is a simple device that’s designed to address many putting issues, including alignment, face angle, ball position and smoothness of stroke. It consists of a yellow rod on a clamp which you attach to your putter shaft and align with its face. A second, ladder-like structure hangs swinging from the rod, and lines up perpendicular to the clubface, showing the putting line.
As you stand over the ball, the yellow rod should run parallel to the face. If your club face is open or closed on your grip, you’ll see it immediately. Ball position is correct if the hanging ladder appears bisects its circumfrence. The ladder element also has a red stripe running along its length. If your eyes are properly above the ball, the red stripe disappears from view.
In making your stroke, the ladder’s top should remain relatively level, whereas a large rocking motion would indicate a certain lack of smoothness. The yellow top of the ladder also offers a stroke line.
Overall, this is a pretty useful tool for working on the details of your putting game. The Precision Putting Trainer offers a lot of feedback and is light enough to leave your “feel” unaffected. Some other devices I’ve tried are so heavy as to be actually detrimental. It comes in a neat plastic tray that will easily fit into your golf bag.
I’ve done some good work with the Precision Putting Trainer over the past few months—albeit on the sun room carpet. I think it’s helped with my alignment, and in keeping the face steady. But I’m still waiting to see if this translates into better scoring on the course.
My one complaint—and the reason it didn’t get an A—is that I found it frustratingly difficult to align the yellow rod with the face of my putter. It shouldn’t be so hard, but it’s tricky. Its my own clumsiness, I suppose, but every time I tried to adjust it a minute bit, I ended up moving it a mile.
Still, a very good putter training product.
Posted By The Golf Blogger

15 Minutes of Biofeedback Training improves the Kinematic Sequence

June 18, 2010
By philcheetham
I recently captured the swings of a young female playing professional on the AMM3D golf full-body motion capture system using TPI 3D analysis. She had some issues with the kinematic sequence peaking order, it was not optimal; her thorax was peaking before her pelvis. I noticed from the graphs that she had both a little excessive sway in the backswing and a reverse spine angle at the top. After the analysis we worked on some real-time biofeedback; we set it so if she swayed more than an inch the computer would beep; after about 15mins of practice we again captured her swing. She was able to maintain stability without swaying; she also stopped the reverse spine action. Look what happened to the peaking order of her kinematic sequence; perfect!  She and her coach were both thrilled. Check out the kinematic sequence graphs below.

2011년 6월 11일 토요일

[golf&] ‘버디’ 손바닥 위의 골프 척척박사

미녀 골퍼 김하늘이 갤럭시S2에 통합 골프 어플리케이션을 장착한 골프 스마트폰 버디를 들고 포즈를 취했다. 김하늘은버디 홍보 대사다. [J골프 제공]

아마추어 골프 애호가인 박모씨는 요즘 골프장에 갈 때마다 골프 스마트폰부터 챙긴다. 박씨가 골프장에 가기 앞서 전화기부터 챙기는 것은 스마트폰 한 대면 골프를 훨씬 재밌고 편안하게 즐길 수 있기 때문이다.

라운드 전날이면 골프 스마트폰을 통해 해당 골프장의 정보를 습득한다. 홀별 거리는 물론 해저드의 위치까지 세세히 파악할 수 있다. 라운드 당일 아침엔 차를 타고 출발하기 앞서 스마트폰으로 위성항법장치(GPS) 기능을 작동시킨다. 스마트폰의 GPS 기능을 통해 어느 길이 막히는지를 식별할 수도 있다. GPS가 가리키는 대로 따라가면 골프장을 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 건 물론이다. 도착 시간을 미리 가늠할 수 있는 것도 큰 장점이다.

골프장에 도착하면 동료들과 인사를 나눈 뒤 티오프 순서를 가린다. 박씨는 이때도 어김없이 골프 스마트폰을 꺼내든다. 초기 화면에 나와 있는 ‘라운드 파트너’ 애플리케이션을 가동시키면 누가 먼저 티샷할 것인지 선정하는 것도 간단하다. 이 애플리케이션을 활용하면 속칭 뽑기라고 부르는 신라스베이거스 게임도 쉽게 즐길 수 있다. 따로 뽑기 막대를 들고 다니지 않아도 스마트폰 한 대로 해결이 가능한 것이다.

그늘집에 들러 잠깐 휴식을 취하고 있을 무렵 동반자 가운데 한 명이 말한다.

“다들 점심 같이하지. 이 근처에 음식 잘하는 맛집 없을까.”

박씨는 기다렸다는 듯 스마트폰을 꺼내들고 골프장 주변 맛집 애플리케이션을 가동시킨다. 골프장 근처의 이름난 식당의 정보가 줄줄이 쏟아져 나온다.

버디의 초기 화면 모습. 골프 스마트폰 버디는 이달 말출시될 예정이다. [J골프 제공]

이상은 골프 스마트폰이 만들어낸 라운드 풍속도를 묘사한 것이다. 그런데 이 같은 일은 가상현실이 아니다. 실생활에서 벌어지고 있는 상황을 글로 옮긴 것이다. 스마트폰 한 대로 골프를 좀 더 편안하고 재미있게 즐길 수 있게 된 것은 골프 스마트폰 ‘버디(birdie)’가 나온 덕분이다. ‘버디’는 골프전문채널 J골프가 10여 종의 골프 관련 애플리케이션을 개발한 뒤 삼성전자의 갤럭시S2에 장착시킨 골프 전문 스마트폰이다. 6월 말 출시 예정인 버디 하나만 있으면 골프의 모든 것을 즐길 수 있다는 게 J골프 측의 설명이다. 물론 휴대전화의 다른 기능은 일반 스마트폰과 다를 게 없다. 한마디로 스마트폰의 기본 기능에 골프 관련 각종 부가 서비스를 더한 것이 골프 스마트폰 ‘버디’다. 미녀 골퍼 김하늘이 골프 스마트폰 버디의 광고 모델을 맡았다. J골프 권택규 대표는 “골프의 모든 기능을 망라한 스마트폰이 나온 것은 이번이 처음”이라며 “J골프가 개발한 버디는 스마트한 골프를 원하는 모든 이에게 스마트 파트너가 될 것”이라고 말했다. 버디의 기능을 하나하나 살펴보자.

정제원 기자

● 골프채널 실시간 감상

스마트폰 버디를 활용하면 무엇보다도 골프채널(J골프)을 실시간으로 감상할 수 있다. 신지애 선수가 활약하는 LPGA는 물론 국내 남자프로골프(KPGA) 투어에서 홍순상이 우승하는 모습을 실시간으로 확인할 수 있다. KLPGA투어 생중계도 ‘버디’를 통해 즐길 수 있다.

● 골프 뉴스 및 국내외 투어 순위

버디를 켜면 골프 뉴스가 쏟아져 나온다. 오늘 새벽에 끝난 LPGA투어에선 누가 우승했는지, 타이거 우즈는 어떻게 됐는지를 뉴스를 통해 파악할 수 있다. 이뿐만 아니라 골프와 관련한 모든 뉴스도 버디를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 뉴스뿐만 아니라 국내외 투어의 순위표 기능도 있다. KPGA·KLPGA투어는 물론 미국 PGA와 LPGA의 순위도 실시간으로 검색할 수 있다.

● 골프레슨 동영상

틈날 때마다 스마트폰을 통해 골프를 익힐 수 있다. ‘버디’에는 골프 레슨 애플리케이션도 장착돼 있다. 국내외 유명 레슨 프로들의 골프레슨 동영상을 손쉽게 감상할 수 있다.

● 골프장 예약

스마트폰을 통해 골프장 예약을 할 수 있는 것도 장점이다. 골프장 부킹 애플리케이션을 통해 전국 골프장의 예약 상황을 파악한 뒤 빈 시간대에 예약을 할 수 있다.

● 골프 매거진

4.3인치의 화면을 통해 골프 매거진도 볼 수 있다. 중앙일보 골프담당 기자들이 만드는 월간 J골프 매거진을 버디를 통해 구독할 수 있다.

월간 골프다이제스트도 매달 업데이트된다.

● 야디지북

전국 200여개 골프장 전 홀의 코스를 한 눈에 볼 수 있다. 또한 GPS 기능을 적용하여 라운드시 홀까지의 남은 거리를 확인할 수도 있다.

● 골프장 날씨

이번 주말 골프장 날씨는 어떻게 될까. 버튼 하나만 누르면 전국의 골프장 날씨를 손쉽게 파악할 수 있다.

골프장 라운드 할인권도 버디를 통해 구할 수 있다. 각종 사은품 정보도 버디에 담겨 있기 때문이다.

골프 스마트폰 버디는 J골프 홈페이지(www.jgolfi.com)를 통해 6월 중순부터 예약, 구매할 수 있다. 문의 02-751-9220, 9349.

▶정제원 기자의 블로그 http://blog.joinsmsn.com/superjay2/

2011년 6월 10일 금요일

오바마 골프 실력은 중하위권, 핸디캡 17

버락 오바마 미국 대통령의 골프 실력이 워싱턴 정치인들 가운데 중하위권인 것으로 나타났다.미국 골프전문지 골프다이제스트는 6월호에서 워싱턴의 정치권력을 좌지우지하는 정치인 등의 골프 핸디캡을 분석해 1위부터 150위까지의 골프 순위를 선정, 소개했다.▲ 버락 오바마 미국 대통령(앞)과 조 바이든 부통령이 백악관 앞에서 골프를 치고 있다. (골프다이제스트)

골프다이제스트에 따르면 오바마 대통령의 골프 핸디캡은 17이며, 조 바이든 부통령과 존 베이너 하원의장은 각각 6.3, 7.9로 ‘싱글 핸디캡’ 수준이다.
오바마 대통령의 핸디캡 17은 워싱턴 유력인사 랭킹으로는 108위에 해당한다. 지난 2008년말 대통령 당선자 시절에는 16을 기록했다.
골프다이제스트는 “오바마 대통령이 4년 임기 중 전반 2년간 60차례의 라운딩을 했지만 바이든 부통령이나 베이너 의장은 훨씬 많이 라운딩을 했을 것”이라고 전했다.
현역 상·하원 의원 중에서는 마크 유달(콜로라도) 상원의원이 핸디캡 2로 가장 골프를 잘치는 정치인으로 꼽혔다.
2012년 대권 후보군 중에서는 릭 샌토럼 전 펜실베이니아주 연방상원의원이 핸디캡 12로 가장 우수했다.
각료 중에서는 여성인 캐슬린 시벨리우스 보건장관이 핸디캡 18로 가장 골프 실력이 우수한 장관에 올랐다.
이밖에 윌리엄 데일리 백악관 비서실장은 핸디캡 14.9, 로버트 뮬러 연방수사국(FBI) 국장은 13.6으로 골프 애호가인 것으로 나타났다.
골프다이제스트는 “150위권에 오른 인사들의 핸디캡은 미국골프협회(USGA)의 공식 핸디캡을 토대로 당사자들의 골프실력을 종합적으로 산정해 계산한 것”이라고 설명했다.
정은선 기자(stop1020@etoday.co.kr)

Kinematic Analysis of Golf Putting for Expert and Novice Golfers

Putting Analysis Result (Expert and Novice Golfers, 8ft distance)
Handicap (Expert 2.3, Novice 23)

Expert is...
1.More consistence (standard deviation x2~x3)

2.More fast putter head speed (Expert 1.16 vs. Novice 0.7 m/s)
3.Less face angle change of putter head (Expert 2 vs.Novice 4.2 degree)

숙련자와 초보자에 대한 8ft(2.5m) 퍼팅 분석결과
핸디캡 (숙련자 2.3, 초보자 23)

숙련자가 초보자에 비해서...
1. 일관성이 좋다 (표준편차 3배 차이)

2. 퍼터헤드 스피드가 빠르다 (숙련자 1.16 vs. 초보자 0.7 m/s)
3. 퍼터헤드 변화각도가 작다 (숙련자 2 vs. 4.2 degree)

Giorgos Paradisis, Julian Rees

The aim of this study was to identify some of the kinematic parameters used by expert golfers (less than or equal to 6 handicap) to optimise putting efficiency and accuracy, and differentiate the putting techniques of elite and novice golfers. A 2D video analysis (50 Hz) were used to establish whether any differences existed for selected kinematic parameters of an 8 ft (2.46m) golf putt between expert (n = 8) and novice golfers (n = 8). Statistical analysis showed that 9 parameters from the 26 measured proved to be significantly different at the alpha level P < 0.05 between the expert and novice groups. This study assumed that expert golfers were more competent putters than novice golfers. Whilst this appears to be a reasonable claim it may not always be the case. Further improvements to the study could be to incorporate a scoring system to monitor the outcome of individual trials.


In the modern-day game of golf, putting remains the key to shooting low scores, and the ability to hole putts can turn a good round into a great round. It has been reported that putting accounts for approximately 40% of all golf shot played (Gwyn & Patch, 1993). However, golf practice does not seem to balance the percentage out between the golf swing and the golf putt. Virtually all golfers, regardless of their level of expertise suffer inconsistencies in putting performance due to the stroke being a complex and multi-faceted motor process. This is in part due to the fact that unlike golf driving, in which the need for maximum club head speed at impact largely determines the body actions that can be successfully employed, success in putting can be achieved using a variety of techniques (Cochran & Farrally, 1994). Despite this revealing statistic and the obvious importance of competent putting, much of the pedagogical literature is based on the observations and anecdotal evidence provided by top players and coaches. There is a general lack of published scientific research and information regarding the kinematics of the putting stroke is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify some of the kinematic parameters used by expert golfers (less than or equal to 6 handicap) to optimise putting efficiency and accuracy, and differentiate the putting techniques of elite and novice golfers.


The study population consisted of right-handed amateur golfers from the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC) and Celtic Manor Golf Club, Newport (CMGC). This population was separated into two groups based on their playing ability; expert (EX) (age 23.3 ± 3.3 yrs, height 1.80 ± 0.1 m, handicap 2.3 ± 1.8, experience 9.3 ± 2.1 yrs; mean ± s) and novice (NO) (age 26.5 ± 3.2 yrs, height 1.7 ± 0.1 m, handicap 25 ± 2.6, experience 1.5 ± 0.9 yrs; mean ± s). The expert subjects had all represented UWIC in the British University championship and were practising regularly at the time of testing. Conversely, the novices from CMGC were recreational players who played on average once a week.
In order to carry out the study it was necessary to set up an artificial putting surface to allow for maximum control of potential external variables. A flat Astroturf surface was marked out with white tape (4m x 1.5m) to yield a straight putt with no break. At one end of the putting surface was a standard golf hole (4 inches in diameter) and at the other end was a designated marker that ensured that the actual distance of each putt was equidistant, regardless of an individual's set-up technique.
The order of putts was randomised for each subject until all subjects had putted once and then the procedure was repeated. This reduced the effect of muscular fatigue on the putting stroke and any learning effect that would result from continuous putting.
Two-dimensional video analysis was used to capture three trials from each performer. A Panasonic F'15HS video camera was mounted upon Manfrotto 117 rigid stationary tripods 5 m away to capture a full field of performance. The camera was positioned perpendicular to the plane of performance, operating at 25 f/s with a 1/500 s shutter speed. Nine superficial markers were attached according to the guidelines suggested by Plagenhoef (1971) on the vertex of the head and both right and left joints (glenohumeral, elbow, wrist and knee).
Before the commencement of testing each subject was allowed a considerable putting warm-up and trial period. Firstly, this was to ensure that familiarisation occurred for the pace and nap of the putting surface, and secondly, each subject needed to become accustomed to the same ball and putter being used in the investigation. After the warm-up 2-D video data was collected for each subject performing a series of putts from a set distance of 2.46m (8 ft). It was explained that the purpose of the test was to determine an individual's normal putting technique for successful putts. The order of putts was randomised for each subject until all subjects had putted once and then the procedure began again. This reduced the effect of muscular fatigue on the putting stroke and any learning effect that would result from continuous putting.
Co-ordinate digitising was undertaken on an Acorn Archimedes 420/1 microcomputer equipped with the Kine System software (Bartlett and Bowen, 1993). Generalised cross-validated quintic spline that has been derived from a program by Woltring (1986) were then applied to remove random noise. Reconstruction was based on a user-defined 13-point model. To aid interpretation of results, key moments were introduced in the analysis to divide the stroke into five phases (Figure 1), as previously defined for qualitative analysis by Burden et al. (1998).
Figure 1
Figure 1. Typical stick figure sequences at five instants of the golf putt where kinematic parameters were measured. Ball address (1), Back swing (2), Through swing (3), Ball impact (4) and Follow-through (5).
The following parameters were calculated: ball position, stance width and wrist positioning at ball address (BA), and the putter-head horizontal and vertical displacement, subject's head movement - horizontal and vertical displacement, timing of the BS, TS, FT and total putt time, angular displacement of the right and left elbow and also the angle formed by a line joining the left elbow to left wrist and putter shaft, maximum horizontal linear velocity and time it occurs, at back swing (BS), through swing (TS) and follow through (FT).
Digitising Reliability: Reliability and objectivity of the digitising process was established by repeated digitising of one sequence at the same sampling frequency with an intervening period of 48 h. The limits of agreement method (Bland and Altman, 1986) was used to compare these repeated digitised sequences and produced values for the angular displacement of the left elbow (LE) and the horizontal displacement of the putter head (PH) based on the equation MD ± 1.96 SD, where MD = mean of differences between repeated digitised sequences and SD = standard deviation of these differences, as heteroscedasticity correlation was close to zero. Given these results (Table 1) it was concluded that the digitised data were reliable and objective.
Table 1

Results & Discussion

Statistical analysis showed that 9 parameters from the 26 measured proved to be significantly different between expert and novice players at the 95% level of confidence (Table 2).
Table 2

The present study's data for hand positioning confirmed a significant difference (P<0.05). It has been agreed previously that forward hand positioning locks the wrists into a firmer position, minimising wrist involvement and ensuring that the individual putts with the larger muscles of the shoulders (Leadbetter, 1997). It was therefore possible that the potentially more reliable forward wrist positioning method of the experts resulted from this variable.

There was a significant difference (P<0.05) for mean linear displacement of the putter head between BA to final BS position. However, in contrast the BC to final FT mean linear displacement was not found to differ significantly between the groups. There has not been any definite recommendations put forward for the displacement of the putter head for the relative phases of the putting stroke. Interestingly, the novice displacements tended to agree with the pendulum theory proposed by numerous experts over the years. Their displacements from BA to BS position and BC to final FT position were approximately equidistant. In contrast the experts tended to exhibit the modern theory technique where the putting stroke is executed with the BS being substantially shorter than the FT.
There was a significant difference (P<0.05) for head displacement change between the BS to BC phase. It maybe concluded that the more important factor was whether the head was stationary at the point of ball contact. This measurement was however outside the present study's scope.
Vertical displacement for the putter head during the BS and FT phases was significantly different (P<0.05) between the two groups. Experts were characterized by shallow BS and a more pronounced vertical displacement during the FT. In contrast the novice's vertical displacement during the BS and FT was far greater than both expert phases. The greater variability found in the novice group during the back swing and follow-through phases may have resulted from the breaking of the wrists.
Putting (1998) have referred to the fact that to achieve a crisp ball strike it is desirable to accelerate the putter through the ball hitting area from a slower BS. Consequently, as acceleration is a derivative of velocity it would be expected that the greatest velocity attained would occur at or just after the BC phase. This occurred for the expert golfers (range, 1.05 -1.3 s) but was somewhat more erratic for the novice golfers (range, 0.3 -1.2 s), therefore a significant difference (P<0.05) resulted. However, because all putts analysed were successful they must have been struck at similar velocities through the BC area. Consequently, as expected no significant differences were apparent between the actual maximum horizontal velocities attained. The novice group was however more erratic in the smoothness and velocity pattern during their stroke.
Recommendations for the relative timing of the phases under investigation do not directly exist. However certain authors (Leadbetter, 1997) refer to a slow BS and then an accelerating phase into and through the hitting area. Both groups were characterised by this general trend, the experts to a greater degree than the novices, therefore no significant differences existed. The only significant difference (P<0.05) that did occur was for the FT phase, however, this is not thought to be of any great significance towards putting technique.
The main limitations of the study were the homogeneous nature of the selected groups (expert and novice golfers) and therefore any post hoc justifications towards other groups were problematical and indeed limited. Although the collection of data in the controlled environment (golf practice bay) had advantages from the viewpoint of methodological considerations, it nevertheless, did not accurately simulate the real external or competitive situation. Finally, the analysis of only one putt per analytical investigation may not always be a true reflection of an individual's technique, and the validity of using a single performance trial per subject as being representative of generalised performance outcomes must be questioned (Bates et al., 1992).
This study assumed that expert golfers were more competent putters than novice golfers. Whilst this appears to be a reasonable claim it may not always be the case. Further improvements to the study could be to incorporate a scoring system to monitor the outcome of individual trials.

Golf Putting Tip Video : Distance is important

A little bit of fun and some putting tips too.

The Science of Roll

by Dr Paul Hurrion

Quintic Ball Roll is the brainchild of internationally recognised Sports Biomechanist Dr Paul Hurrion (perhaps best known as Padraig Harrington's trusted putting advisor and biomechanics analyst over the past six years). He works with many other Tour golfers including Rory McIlroy, Oliver Wilson, Paul McGinley, Robert-Jan Derksen (featured here) and Lee Westwood. He has also applied his top level skills, knowledge and experience into the design of his own range of putters with GEL Golf

Quintic Technology – it's Trackman for putting
I have spent the last five years developing what is today known as Quintic Ball Roll Software and now use it regularly in all of my analysis when working with my clients on the putting green. Quintic Ball Roll v2.4 software is capable of analysing up to 240 frames per second, automatically recognising markers on the golf ball, and instantly producing fully digitised analysis of each putt.
The software tracks the ball for the first 30cm of its journey on a given length of putt. It then instantly and clearly shows the ball speed, side spin (cut or hook), angular rotation (degrees & RPM), vertical bounce, launch angle and point at which true roll occurs.

Crucially – and this is the most significant advance on Quintic’s already pioneering analysis tools – all of the above are reflected graphically and numerically in a summary sheet in a way that was formerly only available for full swing analysis software for irons and woods. The average, range and standard deviation of the putts are automatically updated after each putt and can be saved into a session folder. It is then possible to compare session results, for example, with different types of putter, before and after changes to the loft / lie / length of a putter and before or after a putting lesson.With the help of Robert-Jan Derksen, let me show you how it works.
The clue is in the detail – key figures reveal the true quality of impact
The screen grab that you see here (above) was taken from a recent session with Robert-Jan Derksen on the putting green at Celtic Manor. Following a simple calibration procedure (see the T-bar image) we start the session with a 12-foot straight putt. [The software can be used on all types of putts – long, short, uphill, left to right, right to left... Is there a particular length of putt your are struggling with?]
I have been working with Robert for nearly two years, and we are finally starting to see the results. In the following example, the read out on the computer reveals just what I am looking for in terms of how the golf ball reacts after contact with the putter (See Good Putt.bmp). This is as a result of a square set-up, good posture, a centre strike, no deviation in the path of the putter through the hitting area and a square putter-face at impact.
In other words, we are looking for consistency in all areas that determine the initial roll of the ball on its way to the target.
Ball speed? You can’t hope to read a green if you can’t control the pace of the golf ball. Similarly, you will never consistently roll putts on your chosen line if you impart side spin, or strike the ball with an erratic launch angle.
In recent months Robert has struggled on his initial pace control through having too much loft at impact, causing the ball to ‘jump’ and backspin after impact. But this analysis tells me he is getting much better; there is zero side spin (-2.27rpm is negligible), and the ball started its forward rotation immediately after impact. The launch angle is less than 2 degrees, which is perfect.
Other information provided by the Quintic analysis:
• Initial ball speed – 9.15 feet/sec which results in the golf ball travelling approximately 20 feet on a flat green with a Stimpmeter reading of 11.
• The point of ‘True Roll’ occurs after just 20 inches (<10%of the travel distance).
• The Launch Angle was 1.68 degrees and the result was a smooth forward roll for the first 12 inches. In my studio, the robot achieves the quickest point of True Roll with a launch angle of 1.00 degrees.When working with players, this is the launch angle I am trying to achieve, I certainly don’t want a negative launch angle as the ball will pop up as a result of being driven into the ground!
• The ball has rotated 191º after the first 12 inches of its path, with 731rpmof forward rotation at this point.
Understanding the true nature of the fault accelerates the fix...
For the purposes of revealing the sort of data we might expect on a poorly struck putt, I asked Robert to hit a ball with cut-spin.
And this is where the software really does come into its own in terms of teaching, because you would never pick up on these faults with the naked eye. This data shows the negative effect of too much cut spin on the performance of the golf ball. The cut spin number (+36.85) turns RED to highlight more than an acceptable amount of cut spin imparted on the ball at impact. This cut spin caused the ball to skid for 2 inches before starting forward rotation and it bounced significantly for the first 12 inches of its journey even though it had a good Launch Angle of 1.07 degrees.
As a result, it has taken considerably longer to reach the point of ‘True Roll’. Common causes of too much cut spin?:
• An outside-to-inside putting stroke
• An open putter face at impact
• Striking the putt out of the ‘heel’
• Putter with lie angle too low (heel high)

I advocate the left below- right grip in putting for the symmetry it gives you – i.e. levels the shoulders and facilitates a true pendulum motion.
Natural release of the putter should result in a through swing that mirrors the backswing – a natural arc either side of the ball

While cut-spin is a no-no, scientific testing using a fixed robot and a high-speed camera (1000fps) proves that up to 10 rpm of hook or cut spin imparted to the ball is acceptable as having negligible effect. [As soon as side spin increase above 10 rpm, the side spin can cause the ball to spin, bounce and stray from the intended line. Just picture a spin bowler in cricket when the ball bounces!] The increased amount of hook spin, even with a good launch angle has produced a good ‘True Roll’ value (<15%). The act of hooking the golf ball can actually produce a quicker true roll but still is the cause of deflection which is exaggerated on a right to left breaking putt (right-handed golfer), especially with a high launch angle. Common causes of too much hook spin?:
• inside to outside putting stroke
• putter face closed at impact
• striking the putt out of the ‘toe’
• putter with lie angle too high (toe high)
Why correct putter fitting is ultimately the only route to consistency
By measuring how the ball reacts as it comes of the clubface you can determine the correct loft, lie and length of the ideal putter – it’s the ultimate putter fit! The ideal launch angle (for most greens) is between 0.75 and 1.25 degrees. Slower greens (or greens that have a lot of grain) require up to 2 degrees of launch angle to get the ball up out of its resting position and riding on top of the grass. If the launch angle is too high the ball will, literally, launch up into the air, high above the grass and bounce as it’s moving towards the hole. While the ball is bouncing, it has a greater chance of being deflected off line by either the side (hook or cut) spin or imperfections in the green.
Common causes of high launch angle?
• too much dynamic loft at impact
• breaking the wrist (‘flipping’) just before impact
• having the ball too far forward in the stance
• putter with too much static loft
While the ball is skidding or sliding over the grass (with no forward rotation) it is much easier for it to be deflected off line by imperfections in the green – e.g. spike marks, pitch marks, footprints, grain. This deflection will cause a putt that started on the intended line to miss the hole and /or lose speed too quickly as a result of sliding into a slope or grain. On many occasions the golf ball rotates backwards for the first few inches. Obviously the harder a putt is struck, the more the tendency of the ball to skid.
Causes of unacceptable skid?
• too much static loft on the putter
• ineffective putter face technology
• too much dynamic loft at impact
• breaking the wrist (‘flipping’) just before impact
• having the ball too far forward in the stance
Common causes of low launch angle?
• not enough dynamic loft at impact
• hitting down on the ball with the putting stroke
• having the ball too far back in the stance
• the putter not having enough static loft

1. Perfect fit: the putter-head sits flush, while the angle of the shaft and left forearm match up.
2. NO! Putter is too upright, causing the heel to come up off the ground (causes pushed putts)
3. NO! The toe is in the air, putter sits too flat; typical symptoms include missing left, pulled putts

The majority of putters come as standard with 3 or 4 degrees of static loft. This may or may not be right for you. Analysing your personal putting stroke, your own hand position at address and impact and your preferred ball position will allow for the correct calculation of loft and lie for your putter (that’s if you can repeat it consistently?!). Ideally, especially for PGA Tournament Professionals, it would be advisable to select putters with different lofts depending on the type of green (grass type/depth /speed) you are playing to optimise the correct launch angle and therefore roll characteristics of the golf ball.
For more information, visit http://www.quinticballroll.com/

2011년 6월 6일 월요일

[어플리뷰] 골퍼들을 위한 앱

본격적인 골프 시즌이 돌아왔습니다. 푸릇푸릇한 잔디만 봐도 퍼팅 욕구에 두 손을 움켜쥐는 골프 마니아들을 위해 골프 관련 앱을 모았습니다. 골프 실력 향상에 도움을 주고 실제 라운드에서도 활용할 수 있는 똑똑한 골프 메이트들입니다.

Like a pro standard
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다운로드($3.99): http://itunes.apple.com/kr/app/id420622198

골프 스윙하는 모습을 동영상으로 촬영하면 기록한 다음 이를 통해 바른 자세가 되도록 연습할 수 있습니다. 슬로우 모션 기능, 스윙 분석 도구, 스윙 비교, 사용이 용이한 북마크 기능(노트, 오디오 메모), 스윙 템포 측정, 공유 기능(이메일, Youtube, Picasa), PGA 프로의 모델 스윙, 유튜브의 비디오와 비교를 위한 웹사이트 등 다양한 기능을 제공합니다.
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다운로드(무료): http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/korean-tour/id428463440

Golfshot: Golf GPS
GPS 조감도로 홀 플레이 중 어디서든지 타깃을 터치하면 그 지점까지의 거리와 그 지점에서 그린까지의 거리를 알 수 있습니다. 전세계 35,000 개 이상의 코스가 제공되고, 스코어 카드 기능이 있어 최대 4명까지 골프 스코어를 처리할 수 있으며, 네트스코어와 스트로크 스코어를 볼 수 있습니다. 과거 라운드의 스코어 카드도 볼 수 있습니다. 게임이 끝난 후 통계가 제공돼 실력 향상 정도와 자신의 취약점을 수치로 파악할 수 있습니다.
다운로드($29.99): http://itunes.apple.com/kr/app/id319897973
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