by Mr. Waltz on June 8, 2010
We have earlier written a post on iPhone 4.0 Features and we are all aware how iPhone introduced a load of new options including iMovies. The coming iPhone is poised to become a game changer altogether. Just read that introduction of Gyro can help you in your Golf Swing in the process making you a better golfer ! just strap the iPhone4 to your body and have it register all the movements you make with great precision and detail. This would plot you the swing and you will be able to know where the swing is going wrong. This would certainly be more useful for 18 handicapers i guess ! but on the larger scale it could mean a whole lot of Apps for your next iPhone 4.0
Imagine a golf-swing coach that you attach to your club, which tells you just where your swing is going wrong and what you can do to fix it. Or strap your iPhone 4 to a special harness, which then guides you through a series of yoga postures and tells you–breath–if you’re getting it right.
Moreover, there could be a new breed of apps that assists medical professionals to monitor an injured person’s gait, for example–and their progress during physical rehab.
Hi, I like golf and I like this app since I want to be a great putter.