2011년 4월 26일 화요일

iPhone Game 'puttluck'

The iPhone game golfers have been waiting for. Puttluck is the first "Wii-style" putting game exclusively for iPhone 4 users.

Developed in collaboration with a PGA Pro, Puttluck uses an advanced physics engine and the iPhone's built in gyroscope to give players a realistic golfing experience.

Ridiculous trousers are optional.
“Drive for show, putt for dough! Practice your putting wherever you are.”
Steve McGuinness, PGA Golf Pro

Start Putting Like A Pro

Aiming the shot

Aiming the shot

To line up your putt, hold the phone in front of you, as shown in the picture. To aim the putter and view all the way around the green, use the touch screen controls by moving up, down, left and right. Take the slopes and distance into consideration. Good luck!
Taking the shot

Taking the shot

Tilt the phone so the back of the phone is facing the floor, screen face up. Hold down the putting button, swing the phone in a straight line from right to left (pendulum motion) and take the shot! Remember keep that thumb on the button and eye on the ball.

2011년 4월 25일 월요일

iTrainer Personal Golf Trainer

The iTrainerTM is an easy to use device, offering functionality to benefit all golfers. The device is small and is clamped to the club shaft, just below the grip, a place that introduces negligible impact to the swing, yet effective enough to accurately measure swing characteristics.

The iTrainerTM is such an ingenious and advanced device that no other device comes even close to matching in price and features.

Swing Tempo Golf Training Aid

The revolutionary Swing Tempo is a tempo-training device that allows you to measure and retain your optimal tempo. There has never been a training aid that allows you to store your own tempo settings and achieve consistent, repeatable results... that is until now!
Tempo, Digitally Remastered
Introducing the only golf tempo training aid that provides a correct digital reference to your tempo, timing, and rhythm.


Swing Speed Radar with Tempo Timer

The Swing Speed Radar with Tempo Timer is a small, microwave Doppler radar velocity sensor that provides the swing speed and tempo rhythm for golfers of all ages and skill levels. It assists players in developing /optimizing their swing, and maintaining consistency, by measuring actual tempo time from club takeaway to ball impact at the climax of their forward swing, as well as the swing speed of the clubhead as it approaches the ball. The Swing Speed Radar with Tempo Timer, featuring simple one-button operation, provides unmatched utility in a single, affordable device.

Golfers need to determine the tempo time that best suits their swing rhythm. John Novosel, in his best selling new book "Tour Tempo", points out that most Pro Tour Golfers have tempo times within the range of 0.9 to 1.3 seconds. Ben Jackson, Owner and Head Instructor at the New England Golf Academy, emphasizes the trend for the new, young Tour Pros of today is for faster tempo times. In Ben's words, "Speed is the new frontier!" (Tempo time and swing speed!) Check out your tempo time and swing speed and see where you fit in!!

[Source] intheholegolf

Lessons on Putting Fundamentals

Overview: The basics of a fundamentally sound putting stoke is one where the lower body stays stationary, the head is properly positioned and the upper body, the arms and shoulders, form a triangular shape and moves with a pendulum motion.

Idealy, you should swing the putter back and through at the same speed with a sense of rhythm. The goal is to return the clubface back to a square position at impact along the the target line and that stokes the ball with topspin towards the hole.

Triangle Pendulum Motion:

To begin with, let us first explain what is meant by forming a triangle with your upper body.

An imaginary triangle is formed between your arms and shoulders. Notice what is meant by this with the image to the right.

Through out your swing you will want to keep this triangle intact and the arms and shoulders working together as one unit.

Then like the pendulum movement of a grandfather clock is how you want to stoke the ball.

You want almost no wrist or hand action because they are too hard to control and keep your putter head square and on the target line. Never allow your wrists to unhinge.

 Putting Stoke Length: The lengthen of your backstroke should be about the same distance as your follow through length.

It is important to regulate your distance by changing the length of your stroke and not by trying to apply sudden burst of power with your hands.

For instance, you do not want to make a 30 foot by taking the club back only a few inches and then suddenly trying to hit hard to make the hole.

In the example to the right on a shorter putt the back stroke and follow through length should be the distance of the two inner guide balls. While the two outer balls mark the putting stroke length for a longer putt.

Your goal is a smooth, slow and even pace stroke with the shoulders moving in steady pendulum motion.

The length of the backstroke is an area where some pro trainers recommend different advice. Some advocate the 1/3 - 2/3 rule. That is, take the putter back 1/3 the length and the follow through should be 2/3 of the total length.

However, the one thing that is agreed upon is do not have your backstroke greater than your follow through. Secondly, your controlling distance by varying the length of your stoke.

A fundamental key to successful putting is having your shoulders, arms and putter act as one unit. The stroke is a smooth one piece action upper body motion with no body rotation.

The Role of Your Wrists: Basically, you do not want your wrist to be playing any role in your putting stoke. What you do not want are your wrist to flex like in the photo to the right.

This is normally disastrous and will result in to much play in the putter head. However, on very long putts it is okay for a little amount of wrist hinging because it starts to become too hard to keep your lower body stable and your posture correct.

But never the less, keep in mind that you only want to use your wrists only as much as is absolutely necessary.

The Backswing:
Begin to move the putter head back along the target line.
Use your triangle and keep your lower body body still and your head still with your eye focused on the ball.

Remember the length of the backstroke will dictate the length of the putt.

As you move your putter back along the target line your left should will lower and your right shoulder will rise. See the image to the right, the left shoulder lowers while the head remains steady.
Down Swing: The most important thing is to return the club head square at impact. Keep your arms, hands and shoulders working together and your putter should be low to the ground.

Maintain a smooth and steady pace and let the club naturally accelerate.

Your shoulders will rotate during your stroke while your head and lower body remains still.

Maintain a constant putter speed through out your stroke.

The Follow Through: The left wrist should remain flat and the right shoulder will lower. The putting stroke will continue along the target line until the length is the same as the backswing.

Pace and Rhythm: The feeling of your swing should be one of a smooth, flowing motion. Do not force the pace of your swing but do accelerate through the ball. The putter should have the same pace on the backswing and follow through but it is important that it gains speed as it strikes the ball

Putting is a game itself within the game of golf. It takes time and practice to master but with patience and concentrating on developing the proper fundamentals anyone can become good at putting.

[Source] How to Putt in Golf

Putter face is Rounded for forgiveness


2011년 4월 19일 화요일

Like a Pro in the Korean iPhone Ad.

최근 방영된 애플의 아이폰 광고 동영상 배경에...
Like a Pro가 잠시 나옵니다. ^^
간접적으로 광고가 되었네요.



2011년 4월 18일 월요일

Proper Putting Stroke Mechanics (2/2)

Aim & Contact
It is important to properly aim the putter on the intended line and to consistently strike the ball in the center of the putter face. Use aids like face impact paper to determine where the ball strikes the face. Also, use a line indicator for the intended line and set-up with the putter square to that line.

Acceleration means the speed of the putter head constantly increases at a steady rate from the start of the forward stroke through impact. This is an important stroke mechanic but usually is too subtle to be noticed by the golfer's eye.
Some golfers have excessive acceleration at impact. Some have a tendency to decelerate at impact. Constant acceleration is ideal to control ball speed and distance.
Acceleration can be attributed to the length of the stroke and the amount of stroke time. The more consistent a golfer is with these mechanics the more consistently they will accelerate the putter head through impact.

Putter Head Speed
The putter head speed at impact determines how far the ball will roll. Putter head speed is a direct result of acceleration mechanics. This is a learned mechanic for judging the distance for each putt.

Stroke Length, Time & Tempo
These are crucial mechanics for developing a consistent stroke. Stroke lengths will vary with different lengths of putts but the stroke time should remain about the same for putts of all lengths.

Putting Stroke Mechanic Data
Stroke times are the elapsed times for the backstroke and the forward stroke to impact. The forward stroke to impact should be about one half the time of the backstroke. Stroke time will vary some from player to player but the time for different length putts should vary no more than a fraction of a second for each player.
Therefore, stroke tempo should be about the same on all lengths of putts. Stroke Tempo is the ratio of the backstroke time divided by the forward stroke to impact time.

Natural Putters
There are natural putters but most golfers have to learn stroke mechanics. Even the natural putters have to practice sound putting stroke mechanics or they will not be so natural. Putting is simple physics that requires imparting a roll on the ball at the proper pace on the intended line. Sounds easy right?
Even the best players in the world playing on the best putting surfaces don't make all their putts. Typically, the year's best putter on the PGA Tour averages a little more then 1.7 putts per green hit in regulation and usually the average is about 28 putts per round. That is not lights out when you consider they average about 14 greens in regulation per round. But on a given week when they get in that "zone" and average 25 putts per round, they more then likely win the tournament.
Sound putting mechanics will improve putting for all golfers. Practicing putting mechanics will lower the number of putts per round and improve consistency.

[Source] http://www.clubrepairnews.com/techreport/tech-putting-stroke.htm

Proper Putting Stroke Mechanics (1/2)

By Ed Mitchell, PGA
November 2006

The most recent debate about the proper putting stroke centers around two styles:

Straight-back/straight-forward or inside/square/inside. Regardless which stroke is used, certain mechanics remain the same.

1. Stroke path must start the ball on the intended line.
2. Putter face must be square at impact to the intended line.
3. Contact must be consistently in the center of the face.
4. Putter head speed determines the distance the ball rolls.
5. Move putter head at a constant rate of acceleration during forward stroke.
6. Develop a consistent stroke time for all putt lengths.

Putter Path

It is often said that putting is all about "feel". However, to develop feel golfers need to practice a consistent stroke. It is helpful to know certain data about your putting stroke mechanics so you can practice to improve on what the data tells you. The following data points describe what you "feel" and will illustrate what you should work on to improve your stroke mechanics

Putter Face Angle To Path

[Source] http://www.clubrepairnews.com/techreport/tech-putting-stroke.htm

2011년 4월 14일 목요일

Tiger's how to play

① 롱 아이언 칠 때는 왼발을 좀 더 오픈하라
롱 아이언 샷에서 가장 중요한 것은 몸을 앞으로 밀고 나가면서 공을 맞혀야 한다. 몸이 앞으로 나가지 못하고 뒤에 남아 있으면 절대 좋은 샷을 할 수 없다. 그렇게 하기 위해선 왼발을 조금 더 오픈하고 치는 게 좋다.

② 백스윙 때 코킹 각도를 유지하라
어드레스 때 유지하고 있는 왼 손목의 꺾인 각도를 테이크 백 동작에서 그대로 유지하는 게 좋다. 백스윙 때 손목의 각도가 변하면 클럽 헤드가 닫히거나 열리는 현상이 발생한다. 이런 나쁜 습관을 바꾸기 위해선 어드레스 때 클럽 헤드를 살짝 들어 주는 것도 나쁘지 않다.

③ 퍼터 게이트를 만들어라
게이트웨이라는 훈련법이다. 홀에서부터 퍼터 길이만큼의 거리에 공을 내려놓고 헤드 양쪽에 티를 꽂는다. 볼의 위치는 약간 오르막 상황에 놓는다. 헤드가 티를 맞지 않게 유지하면서 볼을 친다. 중요한 건 퍼트 할 때는 오른손의 감각이다. 똑같은 상황에서 100번까지 연습한다.

④ 볼 스피드를 일정하게 유지하라
퍼트 때 가장 중요하게 생각하는 또 하나가 볼의 스피드다. 완벽하다고 느낄 때까지 스피드 연습을 한다.

⑤ 로프트가 변하지 않게 하라
퍼터에도 로프트가 있다. 이 로프트가 스트로크 하는 동안 절대 변하지 않아야 한다. 손목을 꺾으면서 퍼트할 경우 로프트가 변하게 된다.

⑥ 퍼터 헤드로 셋업하라
어릴 적 아버지는 항상 퍼터 헤드로 에임을 한 뒤 몸을 정렬하라고 주문했다. 만약 이런 순서가 없이 셋업하면 퍼트할 때마다 교정해야 하는 번거로운 결과가 생긴다.

⑦ 오른쪽 어깨가 따라오지 않게 하라
퍼트할 때 가장 신경 써야 할 게 오른쪽 어깨다. 스트로크 하는 동안 오른쪽 어깨는 뒤쪽에 계속 머물러 있어야 한다. 오른쪽 어깨가 퍼터를 따라 움직이면 정확하게 공을 맞히기 힘들다.

[Source] 스포츠동아

[황제의 퍼팅 비밀] 타이거 우즈 골프 클리닉

1. 일정한 퍼팅 궤도 유지
2. 퍼팅 스피드 컨트롤 (오른손 샷)
3. 백스윙에 이어 임팩트까지 퍼터 페이스 각도가 변해서는 안됨

그동안 숱한 승부처에서 마술 같은 퍼팅을 선보였던 우즈는 그린 위 레슨에 한층 공을 들였다. 우즈는 티 2개를 퍼터 헤드 길이와 똑같은 폭으로 꽂아 작은 문(門)을 만들어 일정한 궤도로 퍼팅하는 시범을 보였다. 우즈는 "직선 오르막에서 최대 100번까지 반복 연습한 다음 그린을 자유롭게 돌아다니며 퍼팅을 한다"고 말했다.
우즈가 퍼팅할 때 가장 강조한 것은 볼 스피드였다. "아무리 퍼팅 라인을 잘 읽어도 스피드가 안 맞으면 홀에 떨어지지 않거든요." 그는 "나는 오른손으로 공을 친다는 느낌으로 퍼팅을 하지만 정답은 아니다"며 "친한 친구인 스티브 스트리커는 왼손 위주로 퍼팅한다"고 소개했다. 우즈는 "아버지가 맨 처음 가르쳐준 게 있다"며 "몸보다 퍼터 페이스를 먼저 정렬해야 어떤 상황에서도 일정한 퍼팅 패턴을 유지할 수 있다"고 말했다.
우즈는 레슨을 마치면서 "골프에서 승부를 가르는 건 샷 기술이 아니라 게임을 풀어나가는 운영 능력"이라고 강조했다. "쇼트게임을 잘하는 게 정말 중요해요. 샷 연습은 못하더라도 퍼팅훈련을 거르지 마세요."

[Source] 스포츠 조선

2011년 4월 3일 일요일

How To Improve Your Putting With Practice Drills

Golf: How To Improve Your Putting With Practice Drills

How To Improve Your Putting With Practice Drills: Rickard Strongert, VideoJug's resident golf expert, shows VideoJug users several practise drills to improve your golf putting.

Step 1: Short putts
Step 2: Three in a row
Step 3: In the club
Step 4: Follow- through

Note: this is not allowed on the course as the ball can contact the golf club only once.

So who said putting practice couldn't be fun? These drills will improve your game and force you to enjoy yourself at the same time!

[Source] www.videojug.com