2011년 2월 28일 월요일

How to Use Redeem Code

Redeem Code?
쉽게 말하자면 상품권 코드라고 생각하면 될 것 같다. 오프라인에서 구매한 상품권을 온라인에서 사용하기 위해 입력하는 코드이다. 문화상품권도 온라인으로 사용하기 위해서는 비슷한 방식으로 온라인 등록을 해야한다.
[Source] OS 3.1 아이팟터치에서 리딤(Redeem) 코드 입력

개발자가 발행하는 홍보용 코드로 이 코드를 이용해 해당 유료 어플리케이션을 무료로 다운 받을 수 있는 코드입니다.
가장 아래로 스크롤 해 보면 Redeem(교환) 버튼이 있습니다.

Redeem 버튼을 입력하는 칸이 나옵니다

발급받은 리딤 코드를 입력하고 상단에 Redeem 버튼을 누르면 리딤 코드가 입력되어 어플리케이션을 받을 수 있습니다.

※아이튠스에서 Redeem Code 사용법

2011년 2월 27일 일요일

UDID 확인 방법

개발자가 아닌 경우에는 iTunes를 이용하여 쉽게 알 수 있다
일련번호에서 마우스를 클릭하면 UDID를 보여 주도록 되어 있다

UDID 전달 방법 (잘 안되는 경우가 많은가 봅니다 ㅠㅠ)
- 앱 스토어에서 "iDevice Info" 라는 앱 사용
- "Email Information" 버튼 클릭
- 개발자 email address 입력 후, "send" 버튼 클릭

[Source] RobertChoi's Cube

2011년 2월 24일 목요일

[Like a Pro] 为了iphone4的推杆软件


* 测量值每次如果一定,一贯性就优秀 *

I. 介绍

包含推杆的短杆能力对高尔夫分数有很大的影响,特别是,在推杆中最重要的动作是节奏及速度的一致性。最近smart phone内建装置的陀螺仪是对于正确精密地测量细微动作非常有用的传感器。通过把smart phone 内建装置传感器的信号来科学性分析及统计管理,本软件将成为引导维持推杆节奏及速度一致性的有系统性推杆指导教练。

II. 特征

① 陀螺仪以正确的数值来告诉你推杆动作。

② 一致性分数告诉你对于推杆较弱的部分。

③ 以数值及图表来告诉你推杆实力向上程度。

III. 使用方法

① 把iPhone4用手拿着或是装置在推杆上。

② 在准备好的情况下,开始练习或实际使用推杆。

③ 确认推杆节奏/速度及一致性分数。



[Like a Pro] iPhone4のためのパッテイングApp


* 測定値が毎度一定ならば,一貫性が優秀なのです *

I. 紹介


II. 特徴

① ジャイロスコープがパッティングの動作を正確な数値でお知らせします。

② 一貫性の点数がパッティングでのもろくよわいところをお知らせします。

③ パッティングの実力の向上を数値とグラフでわかります。

III. 使い方

① iphone4を手に握るまたはパターに取りつける。

② 練習や実際にパッティングします。

③ パッティングリズム・テンポ及び一貫性の点数を確かめます。


[Like a Pro] Putting App for iPhone4

Tired of endless putting drills?
Let science help solve your putting woes!

* If measurement is constant every time, consistency is excellent *


Putting well is the easiest way to lower your golf score. The essence of a good putting stroke is the consistency of swing rhythm and swing tempo. A gyroscope, installed in smart phones, is a sensor that can precisely measure minute motions. Through a scientific analysis and a statistical management of the gyroscope signals, this app will be a systematic putting trainer that helps you maintain the consistency of swing rhythm and swing tempo.


① Each step of your putting stroke is analyzed by a gyroscope.

② Consistency Score pinpoints where you need improvement.

③ Time History visualizes your improvement.


① Hold iPhone4 in your hand, or mount it on your putter.

② Start your putting for either a practice or a real putting.

③ Check Rhythm, Tempo, and Consistency Score.

I'm really excited to release this application.
It was a great fun to make this application with my friends and coworkers.
I always wanted to combine my expertise with my favorite hobby golf, and collective intelligence and social medias made it possible.
Thank you all.

[User Guide] English

[Like a Pro] iPhone4를 위한 퍼팅 App

“感으로 했던 퍼팅, 科學으로 하세요!”

* 측정값이 매번 동일하면, 일관성이 우수한 것입니다 *


퍼팅을 포함한 숏 게임 능력은 골프 스코어에 많은 영향을 미친다. 특히, 퍼팅에서 가장 중요한 동작은 리듬과 템포의 일관성이다. 최근 스마트폰에 내장되어 있는 자이로스코프는 미세한 움직임을 정확히 측정하기에 매우 유용한 센서이다.
본 app은 스마트폰에 내장되어 있는 센서의 신호를 과학적으로 분석하고 통계적으로 관리하여 퍼팅의 리듬 및 템포의 일관성을 유지할 수 있도록 안내해 주는 체계적인 퍼팅 트레이너가 될 것이다.


① 자이로스코프가 퍼팅 동작을 정확한 수치로 알려 줍니다.

② 일관성 점수가 퍼팅에서 취약한 부분을 알려 줍니다.

③ 퍼팅실력의 향상을 수치와 그래프로 알 수 있습니다.


① iPhone4를 손에 쥐거나 퍼터에 장착합니다.

② 연습이나 실제 퍼팅을 합니다.

③ 퍼팅 리듬/템포 및 일관성 점수를 확인합니다.

내가 좋아하는 골프에
그동안 배운 앎을 이용하여
주위 사람들과 재미있게 만들어 본 어플입니다.
집단지성과 소셜미디어가 있기에 가능했고,
설레는 마음으로 세상에 내 놓아 봅니다.

[사용설명서] 한국어

2011년 2월 21일 월요일

AD HOC 어플리케이션 설치 방법

Ad Hoc 배포란?
- 베타 테스트를 위해 앱스토어를 거치지 않고 어플을 기기에 공유하는 방식
- 테스트 할 기기에 대한 UDID를 전달 받아야 함
- 등록 가능한 기기가 최대 100대로 인증키 유효 기간있음

UDID 전달 방법
- 앱 스토어에서 "iDevice Info" 라는 앱 사용
- "Email Information" 버튼 클릭
- 개발자 email address 입력 후, "send" 버튼 클릭

[다운 받은 Ad_Hoc 어플 설치법]

1. 다운받은 압축파일을 풉니다.

*.app폴더와 *.mobileprovision 파일을 확인 할 수 있습니다.

2. 아이튠즈를 실행하고 mobileprovision파일을 드래그(Drag)하여 아이튠즈에 드롭(Drop)합니다.

이미 인증 파일이 등록되어 있는 경우, 아래와 같은 메세지가 뜰 수 있습니다.

메세지가 뜰 경우에는 "대치" 버튼을 클릭하여 인증파일을 덮어 씌웁니다.
이젠에 다른 베타테스트를 했다거나 하여 추가된 경우가 있을 수 있습니다.

3. .app폴더를 통째로 드래그&드롭하여 아이튠즈에 넣습니다.

만약 아래와 같은 경고문구가 뜬다면...

동일하게 이전에 등록된 경우가 있을 땐 대치를 눌러서 갱신하여 줍니다.

제대로 하였다면 위의 스크린샷처럼 보일 것입니다.
AD HOC 어플리케이션의 경우, 아이튠즈에서 실제 어플 아이콘의 모습이 적용되어 보이지 않습니다.

4. 기기의 응용프로그램 설정에서 해당 어플을 넣고 동기화를 합니다.
*한번 동기화 해둔 아이튠즈에서 동기화를 시도하기 바랍니다.
처음 동기화를 하는 경우 다른 앱이 등록되지 않는 경우가 있습니다.

동기화를 마치고 나면 아래와 같이 앱이 설치된 것을 아이폰에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

이상으로 다운 받은 AD HOC 어플리케이션 설치 방법을 마치겠습니다.

[Source] 다운 받은 AD HOC 어플리케이션 설치 방법

2011년 2월 15일 화요일

How to Catch a Tiger: Understanding Putting Performance on the PGA Tour

Douglas Fearing, Jason Acimovic, Stephen C. Graves
January 18, 2010

Existing performance metrics utilized by the PGA TOUR have biases towards specific styles of play, which make relative player comparisons challenging. Our goal is to evaluate golfers in a way that eliminates these biases and to better understand how the best players maintain their advantage. Through a working agreement with the PGA TOUR, we have obtained access to proprietary “ShotLink” data that pinpoints the location of every shot taken on the PGA TOUR. Using these data, we develop distance-based models for two components of putting performance: the probability of making the putt and the remaining distance to the pin conditioned on missing. The first is modeled through a logistic regression, while the second is modeled through a gamma regression. Both of these models fit the data well and provide interesting insights into the game. Additionally, by describing the act of putting using a simple Markov chain, we are able to combines these two models to characterize the putts-to-go for the field from any distance on the green for the PGA TOUR. The results of this Markov model match both the empirical expectation and variance of putts-to-go. We use our models to evaluate putting performance in terms of the strokes or putts gained per round relative to the field. Using this metric, we can determine what portion of a player’s overall performance is due to advantage (or loss) gained through putting, and conversely what portion of the player’s performance is derived off the green. We demonstrate with examples how our metric eliminates significant biases that exist in the PGA TOUR’s Putting Average statistic. Last, extending the concept of putts gained to evaluate player-specific performance, we show how our models can be used to quickly

Keywords: golf, putting, performance modeling, logistic regression, gamma regression, Markov models

[Source] MIT Sloan Research Paper No. 4768-10

A Stat Is Born: Golf's New Way to Measure Putting

Steve Stricker falls from No. 1; Brad Faxon climbs the charts; Tiger still great; who's the best?

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working with the PGA Tour, have come up with a way to solve one of golf's biggest conundrums: how to determine who are the truly great putters in the game.

Putting, as any golfer with more than 30 minutes experience on an actual course will tell you, is the key to scoring. The old saw "drive for show, putt for dough" is a bedrock truth among professionals. But until now there hasn't been a reliable statistical method of measuring putting skill among the world's best golfers.

The main problem is that too many external variables come into play. The most commonly used putting statistic, "putting average, " measures the number of putts that a player takes per round when his ball lands on the green in regulation—that is, in par less two strokes (for example, in two strokes on a par-four hole). Not only does this approach exclude about 30% of putts attempted on the PGA Tour (those made on greens not reached in regulation), but it also rewards the accuracy of shots into the green as much as it does putting skill.

[Source] online.wsj.com

2011년 2월 13일 일요일

Distance = Club Head Speed + Square Impact

Most golfers are influenced by certain myths in playing golf. One such myth would be to slow down their swing. Thinking like that is exactly why golfers can not hit the ball as far as they want. Let's do some reasoning with club head speed. Take any club you want with everything being the same. Same impact on the face, same loft at impact, the following is going to be true. Swing the club slower and the ball will not go longer, it will go shorter.

There is only one way to increase the distance you hit your metal woods or irons. A combination of increased club head speed and how solid you hit the ball on the center of percussion, a.k.a. "sweet spot".

If each golfer focused on learning to hit the ball solid and in the "sweet spot" they would be amazed at how much distance would be picked up. Now, most golfers are influenced by certain myths in playing golf.

The average golfer’s problem is not so much a lack of ability as it is a lack of knowing what he should do.” Ben Hogan

What is the problem? The problem is simple, poor impact. Golfers practice the wrong thing and get good at doing it wrong. The contact with the golf ball and golf club face at moment of impact is not consistent. Why is this important? Impact controls trajectory, distance, and direction of each shot. These three things are affected each time the club face and ball collide. A golfer’s only feedback is the flight of the ball. Every fifth or sixth shot most golfers make good contact by accident. As a result, the golfer does not know what they have done differently to make the good contact happen.

[Source] www.powergolfinstruction.com

격심 [Center of Percussion, 擊心]

물체가 외부의 힘을 받아 움직일 때 회전 반작용에 의한 영향을 가장 적게 받는 힘의 작용점을 말한다. 야구 방망이의 이 부분에 공이 날아와 맞을 경우 충격력이 최소가 되므로 가장 멀리 공이 되튀어나갈 수 있다.

타격중심이라고도 한다. 어떤 물체가 외부로부터 힘을 받아 움직일 경우, 어떤 점을 중심으로 회전을 하게 되면 그 물체의 회전축에서 회전 반작용의 영향을 거의 받지 않는 지점이 있다. 즉, 외부의 힘을 가장 적게 받는 작용점이 있는데, 이 작용점을 무게중심과 구분해 격심이라고 한다.

예를 들어 야구에서 타자가 배트를 휘둘러 공을 때리게 되면, 공을 맞히는 순간 타자에게는 충격력이 전해진다. 이때 공을 때리는 배트의 위치에 따라 타자가 받는 충격력은 달라진다. 공이 타자의 손에서 가깝게 맞으면 맞을수록 충격력은 커지고, 반대로 공이 배트의 격심에 정확히 맞으면 맞을수록 충격력은 줄어든다.

다시 말해 타자가 배트를 휘둘러 공이 가장 멀리 날아갈 수 있는 지점이 있는데, 이 지점이 격심이다. 따라서 격심에서 멀어질수록 회전 반작용에 의한 영향을 강하게 받아 타자가 받는 충격력은 커진다. 골프 헤드에도 스위트 존(sweet zone)이라는 표시가 있는데, 이 스위트 존이 무게중심과는 다른 헤드의 격심이다. 이 지점에 맞아야 공이 가장 멀리 날아간다.

[출처] doopedia

2011년 2월 7일 월요일

How to mount iPhone4 on your putter

"Tired of endless putting drills? Let science help solve your putting woes!"

1. Hold smartphone in your hand, or mount it on your putter.

2. Start your putting for either a practice or a real putting.

3. Check Rhythm, Tempo, and Consistency Score.

'Putting Science' realizes all kinds of putting instruments by App.

Not cheap but Inexpensive. Feeling+Science. From Tired to Fun

Putt Probabilities


Like many others, I was incredibly jazzed by Tiger’s victory on Monday.

But I was frustrated that the commentators routinely failed to mention the putting distance to the hole. It would be nice to know, “It looks like Rocco has a 25-foot putt.” But I, for one, would like commentators to go further and routinely give us information about the probable outcome of the next stroke. If the golfer is putting, I want to know the probability that the put will go in.

Analogous information is an old hat in basketball. When Kevin Garnett goes to the free-throw line, we are told what his FT percentage has been this season and in the playoffs (and in this very game).

Putting is not as standardized as shooting a free throw. But it would be useful to know that pros generally only make 60 percent of five puts. At least that’s what’s shown in this article (based on pre 1995 data):

[Source] freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com

Woods' performance since the British Open

By Mike Vitti
PGATOUR.com ShotLink Analyst

Tiger Woods equaled his career-best PGA TOUR victory streak over the weekend, winning his sixth consecutive event-the World Golf Championships-American Express Championship- by eight shots. It is obvious that Woods has been playing at a very high level over his last six starts, but the question is: just how good has he been and what has he improved upon to get on such a roll?

• Woods' putting average of 1.713 during the win streak is slightly better than the 1.718 average of current PGA TOUR leader Daniel Chopra.

• Overall, Woods is saving about one stroke per round on the greens; however, the difference in putts per round during the first two rounds is much more significant. In round one and round two before the streak, Woods was averaging 29.75 and 30.25 putts per round respectively. During the streak, he has averaged 27.83 and 27.33 putts per round in the same two rounds.

• Putts measuring between 10 and 25 feet in length are where Woods has improved his performance on the greens. He has improved his percentage of made putts by at least 17 points on putts measuring between 10-15 feet and those measuring 15-20 feet. On putts between 20 and 25 feet, Woods has gone from making 6.3 percent of his attempts to an average of 28.6 percent.

• The improvement in putting during the streak has Woods making an additional 15 feet of putts per round, with his average during the streak exceeding the current TOUR leader, Richard S. Johnson, by about 5 feet.

[source] www.pgatour.com

2011년 2월 5일 토요일

SKLZ Putter Tempo Tray

SKLZ Putter Tempo Tray. Its a great simple little device - Ready to get smooth? Your stroke needs to be silky to keep the ball on the Tempo Tray. Two different settings let you dial up the challenge to give you ideal rhythm and pace. Keep your stroke consistent - then take this feelign out on the course to sink more putts and get that score down.

Trains players to feel the perfect pace for long and short putts
Ball holder design requires smooth tempo to keep the ball on the tray
Helps eliminate the yips
Two different sized holders for varying degrees of difficulty
Tray attaches easily to any putter shaft

[Source] www.golfworx.co.uk

SKLZ® Refiner Hinged Training Club - Putter

Product Information
You can perfect your putting stroke with the SKLZ® Refiner® Putter. The target line hinged putter improves your putting stroke tempo, alignment and distance control. The hinged design promotes smooth acceleration by forcing the player to swing the putter head vs. hitting at the ball (or the putter breaks).

About SKLZ
SKLZ is the innovator in athletic training, and is the premier developer and marketer of athletic performance and skill development training products for serious athletes of all ages. The flagship brand of Pro Performance Sports, SKLZ delivers broad lines of training products across a variety of sports, including baseball, fastpitch, golf, football, basketball, soccer and more. SKLZ focuses on transforming innovative concepts into effective sports training products that help serious athletes of all ages reach their full potential. With international headquarters in San Diego, California, the company delivers durable, high-performance trainers that can be found internationally at major sporting goods retailers, specialty shops, and mass merchants, as well as on the SKLZ web site at www.sklz.com.

[Source] www.espnshop.com